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2023 STAR WARS Card .fun

2023 STAR WARS Card .fun

Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price $199.99 USD Sale price $100.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Ship Rip

-13 cards per box

-4 boxes per PDQ

-16 PDQ per case

-1 numbered parallel


-No 0.000 secret rare cards (#1 and #46) can exchange original
card to one of the three pure gold ship cards + one light sword
(original card will NOT be returned)

-Original art colorful signature (#1 and #100) can exchange
original card to one of the three pure gold ship cards (original card
will NOT be returned)

-Collect all 11 designs of original art colorful signature cards (#
does not matter) can exchange original card to one of the three
pure gold ship cards (original card will be returned)

-numbered parallel (#1 and #100) can exchange on of the three
pure silver gold coated ship card (original card will NOT be

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